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Recent Updates

CSPCC Newsletter

The first thing I must do is apologise for not having produced a Newsletter for such a long time, but we have been very busy over the past 12 months as you will see. I hasten to add though that without the continued support of all of our centre users none of the following would have been possible.


Since the tragic Grenfell fire, all fire procedures, not just here but in all public places, have been under review. We therefore decided to upgrade our existing alarm to something more up to date, and ultimately safer. The new system makes a great deal of noise and alerts the fire brigade as well. As you will imagine this was a costly business but helped we were helped with grants from both CDC and the COOP.


Our next undertaking was to upgrade all of the lighting throughout the building to LED, which is not only brighter but more economical as our bills are now attesting to. We also received a small grant from Low Carbon Workspaces towards the overall cost of this project and I must add that it is to Carol Birkenshaw that we owe our thanks for finding and obtaining these grants for is. It would have been much more costly without the extra money.


Some of our users have been at the centre for almost as long as the building has been here but over the past couple of years we have welcomed the U3A, the new Chalfont St Peter Preschool, which took over from the Teddybear playschool, Age Concern Chiropody Clinic,Tessa’s Bridge and many more smaller hourly sessions ranging from yoga and Pilates to Pranic Healing and NHS Respiratory Classes, making for a very diverse range of events that take place here.

As I said before we are truly grateful to everyone who uses and supports us because without you there would be no community centre.


We continue to try to maintain the centre to as high a standard as we able for such an aged building, not always an easy task. Luckily we have an amazing group of people who help to clean and keep the building in as good a condition as possible.


There is talk and hope of a new Community Centre in the not too distant future, but as always a lot of money needs to be raised. In the meantime, please continue with your support.


- Jenny Everitt



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